Winan High and Garnet League
We are glad to learn of the progress of the Freedman Bchool of
East Tennessee, now under the control and support of an organization
in the city of Harrisburg, State of Pennsylvania, known as the
"Garnet League." This league is composed solely of colored
people of that city, who have associated themselves in this grand
enterprise for promoting tte educational and religious improvement of
the freedmen, the stimulation of a higher standard of literature and
civilization, by sending among them as numerously a possible their
own "kith and kin" as teacher and ministers, to instruct
them in all their moral and religiou dutio. The League haves
commenced their work in the city of Knoxville, where already may be
seen tbe good results of their labors. Under it supervision, the
large school now flourishing was opened early in the month of
December, and a highly educated colored woman was sent to take charge
of the school. She was here but a short time till the school
increased so rapidly that
it became necessary to employ another
teacher. This being communicated to the League, it immediately
employed and sent here as Principal and Superintendent, Professor O.
L. C. Hughes, a finely educated colored man. Under the control of the
Professor, who seems to have adopted the proper plan to meet the
wants of his people, this school is making fine progress, and if
sustained pecuniarily and otherwise, may, in a little time, occupy a
position in the van of literary progress secend to no Freedman school
in the State, and from among it pupils may walk forth those who will
be beacon lights to their benighted kindred.
The colored people of
Knoxville seem wide-awake to their own interests; and, believing
their destiny to rest in their own bands, and fully realizing the
truth of the old adage, "The Gods help those who
first help
themselves," have gone to work te help themselves in every
honorable direction deeply and earnestly engaged in the work of their
own mental, moral and religious culture, and are determined by the
assistance of this philanthropic organizatien to make a brilliant
history for themselves in the rise and progress of the colored race.
With this spirit of thrift and enterprise among them, we need have no
fear for the future of our colored population. Then let them be
countenanced, encouraged and sustained in their efforts to increase
in usefulness, and soon we may be a better and a happier people.
Brownlow's Knoxville Whig. (Knoxville, Tenn.), 13 Feb.
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib.
of Congress.
Colored Schools.Knoxville, Aug. 30lh, 1867.
Editor cf the
Knoxville Whig:
In a former communication, I noticed the colored
schools of this place and surrounding country, carried on under the
supervision and control of the United Presbyterian Church. I propose,
in this present communication, to notice those under the control of
the Garnet League. The Garnet League is an association of colored
people, with headquarters in the city of Harrisburg, Pa., for the
purpose of assisting the recently emancipated slaves in education.
This League has auxiliary Leagues in diverse portions of the country.
The one at this place ia known as the Winan's High School League, and
in connection with this League is a school numbering from one hundred
and fifty to two hundred scholars. This school was conducted by
Profeesbr O. L. C. Hughes and Mrs. Jones, who, for their
qualifications and success as teachers, I have never seen surpassed.
The conduct of the scholars was good and commondable, tbey being
strictly attentive to their studies, and make groat proficiency
learning to read and write, and in mental arithmetic; also, one
class in Geography was quite advanced. Two boys, William Franklin and
Jerry Jarnagon, will, if encouraged, make speakers of which any
community might be proud. There is also an auxilliary League at
Dandridge and Mossy Creek, in Jefferson county, with a school at each
place, which have done a noble work in the cause of education.
wish not to take up too much space in your valuable paper at one
time, yet will write from time
to titne such communications in
regard to the colored schools of the country as shall come under
F. Schade
(Source:Brownlow's Knoxville Whig., September 11, 1867, Image 1
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of
Winan High School
AN ACT Incorporating the Winan High School at Knoxville Teunessee
and for other purposes WHEREAS Sundry citizens of Tennessee have
purchased suitable grounds in Knoxville, Tenn and erected thereon a
building for the purpose of religious worship and of conducting
therein a first class High School for males and females which High
School is to be under the government and control of the Winan High
School League at Knoxville an auxiliary league to the Garnett League
of Harrisburg, Penn subject to such rules and restrictions as are
herein set forth and whereas the security of society the supremacy of
the laws and the preservation of our civil and religious liberties
the perpetuation of our institutions and of the Union are materially
dependant upon the intelligence and virtue of the people and whereas
it is greatly to the interest of the State to encourage the erection
of schools and colleges for the dissemination of knowledge and
education Therefore:
SECTION 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of
Tennessee, That a corporation is hereby constituted and established
under the name and style of the Winan High School and in that name
capable of suing, and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, and
of buying holding improving disposing of govern and protecting
suitable grounds and buildings for higher educational purposes in or
near the town of Knoxville, Knox County, State of Tennessee and also
capable of collecting gifts, grants, or bequests made to the purposes
of education in said institution .
SEO 28 Be it further enacted: That this Act shall take effect from
and after its passage
FS RICHARDS Speaker of the House of Representatives
DWC SENTER Speaker of the Senate
Passed March 5, 1868
Read the entire act here:
AN ACT to repeal Section 27 of an Act
incorporating the Winan High School at Knoxville Tennessee and for
other purposes:
Section 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of the State of Tennessee That Section 27 of an Act passed the 5th of
March 1868 entitled An Act to incorporate the Winan High School at
Knoxville, Tennessee and for other purposes be and the same is hereby
Passed March 20 1877
EDWIN T TALIAFERRO Speaker of the House
of Representatives
HUGH M McADOO Speaker of the Senate
Approved March 22 1877
Source: (Acts of the State of Tennessee
Passed at the General Assembly, Tennessee, F.M. Paul, printer to the
State, 1877, p 55)